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Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:51 pm


Post by ca_admin »

What to do when life gives you a gut punch and you feel like all the bullies are getting to you? Stand up and keep going. Don't give up and don't allow anyone to stand in the way of your dreams. You got this.
Site Admin
Posts: 358
Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:51 pm

Re: Bullies

Post by ca_admin »

How many times in your lifetime has someone told you to give up or were not impressed by what you were doing? We all go through this process. Our family and friends disapprove of something we have done or are doing. If it doesn't harm anyone else don't give up and keep on doing what you are working on. No one can tell another what their goals and dreams should be. We all have to come to our own conclusions for our life. Rise to yourself and then help others.
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