How can you get to your ideal weight?

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How can you get to your ideal weight?

Post by ca_admin »

Some people lack motivation to get to their ideal weight. You have to have strength of your mind to get to what you feel is your ideal weight and also to be healthy. Some people work themselves to the bone and get too thin. Others work themselves in their minds eye and never get further than the couch. It is the work of the body and the mind together to get to the ideal weight for you. Remember do not over train and do not under train or you will not get the results you want. Make sure you also eat a balanced diet. To get to your ideal weight is not always what you have in your mind. Talk to your doctor to see what would be the best weight for you. Then set goals and go forward from one success to another till you get there. You can do it.
Henry Marczak
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Re: How can you get to your ideal weight?

Post by Henry Marczak »

I'm dropped my weight to my natural build, I'm now 140 lbs but that's my natural. At this weight I have my 6 pack abs and all my muscles are tone. By Canadian standards some may think I'm too skinny but I don't go by North American standards.
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