Exercise to stay healthy

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Exercise to stay healthy

Post by ca_admin »

To stay healthy as we age, we all have to do some exercise.
If we do not, we will not have as strong of an immune system,
we will not have strength in our arms and our legs and
we our minds will lose the capacity of all we can accomplish.
Exercise will help nourish the body, mind, and the soul.
It is just past the middle of January. It is time to get
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Joined: Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:51 pm

Re: Exercise to stay healthy

Post by ca_admin »

So many people feel discouraged to get off the couch to exercise. Exercise is a way of life and a mind set. It is not a fad diet. To stay healthy into your old age or while in your old age, you need to exercise. This is a mindset that should be taught when people are younger so they know what to do in their life. Instead of looking at exercise as work, look at is part of a healthy routine for your whole body. You can do this.
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