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Re: Simon's Progress Report

Posted: Sat May 26, 2012 1:21 am
by simonjr
The first two days of Lesson 6 I could not do exercise #1 without using the back of a chair under my backside to help me ballance. By day 3 I was able to do it with only a little struggling to maintain my balance. 5 days in now and I have very little trouble staying up on one leg. I really like this exercise not just for the back but also for improving my balance and strengthening my ankles which are weak.

Lesson 6 - Exercise #2 simply kicks my butt, however I noticed this evening that it was getting easier. I take that as a very good sign for me!

Re: Simon's Progress Report

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 10:34 am
by simonjr
It has happened.... I have reached the halfway mark! I am so proud of myself for sticking to it for 6 solid weeks!

Re: Simon's Progress Report

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 1:02 pm
by Bridge
Don't forget the words of Atlas, "Train, Don't Strain!" This mantra will serve you well. Forget about "no pain, no gain."

Re: Simon's Progress Report

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 7:02 pm
by simonjr
Bridge wrote:Don't forget the words of Atlas, "Train, Don't Strain!" This mantra will serve you well. Forget about "no pain, no gain."
Thank you Bridge! You've no idea how much I needed that reminder right now! Seriously, thank you!

Re: Simon's Progress Report

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:42 am
by simonjr
I have found I cannot do the exercises of Lesson 8 due to past shoulder/arm injuries. So instead, this week I have gone back to doing the Abs exercises.

I went to my Doctor and she said she is so proud of me for how I have stuck to working out and strengthening my body. She also pointed out how much healthier I am. I have got sick a couple times since I started the Atlas program but in the past I would be sick for days or more then a week, but now I seem to get over it in a day or two. I hadn't realized that but now I can see it. I didn't realize that getting my muscles stronger would also make my immune system stronger.

Re: Simon's Progress Report

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:18 pm
by Bridge
Keep up the good work, and step by step, the job will be done, as said by Atlas. You will become an Atlas champion!

Re: Simon's Progress Report

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:45 pm
by simonjr
This is going to be a whining session. Please forgive me, but I need to vent a bit. Feel free to ignore me but I just need to scream for a minute or two. I hope you understand

For over two months now I have been working out three times a day.

30-45 minutes of AM strength training
60-120 minutes of Mid-Day cardio
30-45 minutes of PM strength training

I know Charles Atlas said 15-30 minutes for each workout but frankly I am not able to do it that fast.

This workout series started out with regaining the use and re-strengthening my left arm after a partial dislocation of the elbow and continual ligament damage in the left shoulder (from years ago). After the first couple weeks of doing the exercises my doctor gave me to do I began the Atlas program (with my doctor’s permission) for whole body workouts.

I am tired of feeling tired and I feel like I want to do is sleep ALL the time!

Oh, all the working out is paying off in noticeable ways. I am starting to see some definition in my arms, shoulders and lower legs. There is still too much fat in my trunk and my upper legs to see any definition but I know there are changes going on under that fat too. And in many ways I feel stronger and healthier while in other ways I feel weaker (some days it is all I can do to wash my own body after working out).

I did not do my PM workout last night (Friday 6/8), ; then today I did not do my AM workout either, however I justified that because I knew I’d been kayaking and hiking most of the day.

I made a commitment to myself to do this workout system for 12 weeks and I am going to finish it! It is just that I think the mental drain is getting to me and I just have to get past that mental block and get my head back in the game. I love the workouts and I love the changes in my body, but I HATE the constant tired feeling.

Okay, I’m done whining... for now. I’m covered in dirt, sand and mud from kayaking today and I smell like dirty river water; so I’m going to go have a quick shower and then do my PM workout.

If you suffered through all that above ranting, thank you and I’m sorry... I just had to get that out!

Re: Simon's Progress Report

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:07 pm
by emfermi
Simon, I am glad to see you have come this far in the course. But I am a bit concerned with that feeling of tiredness you express you feel. For me it means you are pushing too hard and maybe are experiencing a overtraining. "Train, Don't Strain" is not simply a nice motto, but a whole new way to approach exercise and health. Throw out all tendency to push yourself to the limit and beyond every time you workout. In that way your progression will be something like "hard, harder, even harder, hardest, INJURY, stop".

I speak by experience that sometimes you lose sight of things and slowly start pushing harder than you should. You start feeling tired, but do not pay attention because you have achieved results before. Then one day something you simply cannnot do your routine because you simply cannot do it. The exercises seem impossible and you are left asking yourself what happened. Then you go back and see you just became part of the "no pain, no gain" without realizing it. Please DO NOT.

Hope this helps. And keep up your exercises!!!!

Re: Simon's Progress Report

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:20 pm
by simonjr
Thank you emfermi. I have dialed things back. I'm no longer doing Mid-Day cardio and I've dialed back the intensity of my workouts. Since doing so I have been sleeping better, and not suffering.

Re: Simon's Progress Report

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:23 am
by simonjr
Week 11... almost there!